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【進口貨】XSX / XSS / X1 / PC 無線控制器 (OPI 聯名:夏日之吻) XSX-0228



** 所有商品圖片及影片只供參考,實際貨品可能略有不同。**


** 所有商品圖片及影片只供參考,實際貨品可能略有不同。**
【進口貨】XSX / XSS / X1 / PC 無線控制器 (OPI 聯名:夏日之吻) XSX-0228


用 Xbox 無線控制器 - 《OPI 聯名:夏日之吻》特別版,點燃您的夏日熱情。這款控制器的靈感來自 OPI 指甲油系列。抓住夏日閃耀的機會,讓每一天都像在沙灘上。

  • Dedicated share button - Seamlessly capture and share content such as screenshots, recordings, and more with the new Share button
  • Stay on target - Stay on target with the new hybrid D-pad, textured grip on the triggers, bumpers, and back-case
  • Switch devices - Easily pair and switch between devices including Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, iOS and Android
  • Compatible With - Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Windows 10, iOS and Android
