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PS4 MINECRAFT Starter Collection VR 中英文版 Chinese/English Ver PS4-1899





<h1 id="title" class="a-size-large a-spacing-none" style='padding: 0px; margin-top: 0px; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; color: rgb(15, 17, 17); font-family: "Amazon Ember", Arial, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px !important; font-size: 24px !important; line-height: 32px !important;'>PS4 MINECRAFT Starter Collection VR 中英文版  Chinese/English Ver  PS4-1899</h1>

  • Marketplace - Discover the latest community creations in the marketplace! Get unique maps, skins, and texture packs from your favorite creators.
  • Slash commands - Tweak how the game plays: you can give items away, summon mobs, change the time of day, and more.
  • Add-Ons - Customize your experience even further with free Add-Ons! If you're more tech-inclined, you can modify data-driven behaviours in the game to create new resource packs.
  • Realms - Play with up to 10 friends cross-platform, anytime, anywhere on Realms, your own private server that we host for you. Try a free 30-day trial in-app. PS Plus required
  • Multiplayer - Play with up to 4 friends.
  • Servers - Join free massive multiplayer servers and play with thousands of others! Discover gigantic community-run worlds, compete in unique mini-games and socialize in lobbies full of new friends.
